Embosser 2000 is a device containing double module for characters imprint and total of 210 characters capacity. It is fast and durable embosser with MSP system meaning that this type simultaneously encodes magnetic stripe, codes a contact chip and embosses letters and numbers.
This model of embosser has been designed to meet strict requirements of institutions such as banks, loan institutions, insurance companies, casinos, clubs and associations, government institutions, oil companies and public service offices. Embosser 2000 is a solution for swift embossing of cards and can configure with special embossing characters for personalization of international bank cards. Embosser 2000 works with Windows 7 operating system and chooses between two letter fonts. It has the option of double filling, on the front and the back part in one slot. This plastic module for embossing can operate stand alone or in in-line configuration with other modules from Pro Series line. E2000 is intended for embossing cards on front side and rear side in infill mode.
Card specification: CR80 – ISO standard
Material and thickness of card: ABS, PVC and composite; 0,5 ± 0,08 mm
Input hopper 821/821T: manually – Single Access Point, 861:200 cards
Output hopper: 100 cards
Embossing characters capacity: 2 x 105 per drum (two drums)
Letters font: Standard Gothic, OCR7B
Embossing area: 9 lines x 31 characters (76 x 45 mm) or without lines (76 x 41)
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