
What is Spotlight?

Spotlight is a synthesis of tools that helps you know your customers better, turn them into loyal ones, motivate them to stay loyal to your brand and finally recommend your brand to others. Spotlight is your tool for maintaining an interactive relationship with customers and clients, a proven method for establishing an emotional and long-lasting relationship with each of them.

The possibilities that Spotlight opens up guarantee a direct increase in the number of active customers within your community whether the business is small or large. Inspired by hundreds of various possibilities, you get much more than others do.

Advantages of My Spotlight loyalty and gift program

Spotlight is the only software that enables monitoring activities and segmenting customers. Analysis of customer behavior and purchase trends is a signpost for your future campaigns. In addition, this software enables a personalized and direct communication with customers via application and that is an important element of this system.
Creating vouchers, discounts and various special offers based on data generated by the system is the only strategy that gives desired results.

This system generates all activities of customers that are later of great relevance for the strategy of creating campaigns. If we know the customers, we will know what to offer to them and how to reward them. Such precisely conceived strategy gives results whereas anything else is just a waste of time.

The system that gives information about sex, age and lifestyle and at the same time provides the information about each separate transaction is the one that will spare you any unprofitable investments. It is surely the only tool that will help you do both, retain customers and motivate the new ones to become your loyal customers.

For each company, loyalty program is a safe way to retain current customers and recruit new ones by creating exactly the offers and benefits customers want and need.

Whether you need a complete list of people celebrating their birthday on particular date or the report about pet owners, this software can support any request you may have. Based on such data you can create a successful marketing strategy and offer people what they need and that is the key!

Furthermore, this software provides you with the report about all relevant information from loyalty program – if the registration has been completed, when earned points expire and the option for sending birthday messages with special vouchers or similar.

By using the module for managing data and based on the data the module generates, it is possible to precisely create target group and anticipate what and when they will buy. Based on that, you can create automatic offers at the right time and before your competition. There are modules for sending promo messages about defined campaigns and to particular target group depending on their age, sex or status.

Data exchange between various POS systems with the help of API protocol is possible with our loyalty system meaning that both systems will encrypt each transaction.

Why Spotlight

is the best option

Our Customer Data, Loyalty & Engagement platform provides much more than CRM only can offer. Spotlight platform covers additional possibilities regarding marketing and interaction with customers.


We know that the future lies in a comprehensive loyalty program that inspires, attracts and recruits new customers while personalized benefits make the existing ones return and repeat their purchases.


An exceptional Customer Data, Loyalty & Engagement solution takes a short cut to your sales goals.


Take this chance and entrust the profitability to a proven and largely certain strategy that yields results.

How does Spotlight software work?

You have a direct communication with customers through loyalty cards you give them, follow their consumer behavior and create special benefit accordingly. That way you turn passive customers back into regular ones motivating them to remain loyal and subsequently increase profit. The system follows each of customers’ purchases and based on the content creates benefits and rewards. You decide if you will reward your customers with vouchers, points or any other way only by following up the data the system generated based on their previous transactions.

How can you outgrow competition

and build stronger relationship with customers?

If you offer your customers exactly what they need at the right moment and address them via personalized campaign, you will definitely beat your competition. Investing in customers by collecting data about them and giving them what they need is a sound strategy that turns a satisfied customer into a regular one. Mobile application, one of the elements of this system, enables customers to check the status of earned points, inform them about current discounts and new offers which means that you will always be there for your regular clients. Therefore, the likelihood they will go to your competition is low because you have built strong relationship between customers and your brand.

A platform as this one is equally convenient for both online and in-store retail shops in the process of establishing a long-term loyalty and ensuring business certainty.

You can find more information about the Spotlight Customer Data, Loyalty & Engagement Platform on the platform's website:

Loyalty cards

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