Personalization of cards

Personalization of cards is a type of finishing process usually the last in the line and used for inserting data into cards giving it an additional role in protection. Cards personalization makes each card unique and that way contributes to easier data analysis.

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Personalization of changing data using metallic foil is a type of personalization imprinted on the card surface like some text, name, last name, number and certain characters. This technology is widely used for personalization of Accreditations, VIP cards, ID and Membership cards making each card a unique one.

Indent personalizacija

Furthermore, changing data are also possible to personalize by engraving letters and numbers by indenting surface layer of cards using Indent technology.

Another way we can personalize changing data, a very different one compared to Indent technology, is Embossing technology. With this technology, we achieve the effect of data in raised texture on cards.

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One of usual personalization techniques, most commonly used with ID cards of employees, is personalization with photo of employee achieved by high-quality color personalization on cards. This type of personalization makes not only the identification of the holder of the card easier but it also reduces the likelihood for its fraud.

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Personalization of cards with a barcode is a very widely used type of personalization. We offer high-quality barcode printing using one of two different printing technologies: Imprint of changeable barcodes is done with black metallic ink or more often with one of the most popular barcode printing technologies, DOD printing. DOD printing technology represents the best quality barcode printing and by applying black ink on the card surface, we get durable barcodes resistant to fading. We make all types of barcodes, with visible and invisible numbers and some of the most typical barcodes are EAN13, Code 12 and Code 39. Besides barcodes,  we can personalize cards with QR codes.

Personalization of barcodes has a variety of uses and we most commonly use it with Family cards, Loyalty cards, Gift cards, VIP cards and Casino card.

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We have recognized the need for personalization of Barcodes that make the use of Loyalty program much easier. Customers most usually have Application forms with their cards filled in with data and then paired with the loyalty card that stays with the final user.  With personalization using Barcode i.e. Barcode label, the process of matching information is far easier and the risk of inserting wrong data is reduced. Barcode on Loyalty card is printed in two places – on the card surface and on the label surface, also on the card, and when assigning the card and filling in application form, barcode label is removed from the card and placed on the application form.

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Personalization using hologram is actually printing additional protective layer of card preventing falsifying cards and forgery.

This technology falls into the category of security printing technologies and provides a high security for holders of cards since it protects the identity and data. Hologram technology prevents falsifying cards and forgery.


Types of protection with hologram:

- HoloKote® with its 24 defined fields on cards leaves one hologram mark. The same hologram mark is inserted in each field.

- HoloKote Patcher enables the option of segmenting one certain field out of 24 it has depending on the need for security your cards request to have.

- Holoflek is a way of plastic cards protection enabling the option for placing one hologram picture.

personalizacija hologram

Signature strip is another way to personalize cards during which special printing technology leaves a field on the card where it is possible to write in ink. Personalization with signature strip prevents ink smear when writing some text or signature on cards. The field of signature strip can be white while clients most often opt for transparent signature strip.

The most common use of signature strip is with Blank cards and Membership cards.

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Scratch off personalization is a field imprinted on card surface protecting previously printed information on the card itself. That way data security is at higher level and there is little doubt card has already been used in cases when it contains security code below scratch off panel. We offer several different textures and dimensions of Scratch off fields printing.

Greb greb personalizacija Scratch off - Greb greb

As emboss or indent types of personalization have their advantages, laser personalization also gives a completely different look to personalized cards.
By engraving changeable text, i.e. letters, numbers or punctuation marks using laser, the surface layer of cards is burnt leaving slightly indent characters on the card itself. This personalization technology is extremely modern and fast and can be easily placed anywhere on cards. Personalized text got that way is easy to read and notice.

personalizacija laser

Clients in different industries have request for applying magnetic stripe technology in their own systems. Magnetic stripe is placed on cards so that it contains certain personalized data varying from card to card. A special technology of inserting data into magnetic stripe for this purpose is used to personalize cards.

Magnetic stripes encoding

A very popular technology of Magnetic stripe is widely used in various industries and we often see it on Gift cards, Casino cards and Hotel key cards.
We offer standard magnetic stripes, HiCo and LoCo, in many different colors and what we also have in our range of products is thin magnetic stripes occupying smaller surface of cards that look more elegant but still providing the same security of data.

Personalizacija magnetna traka

Instructions for cards personalization

If you need to order personalized cards but you have not had any experience with creating database so far, you still have no reason to worry. We have made instructions that will help you to understand how databases work and how they are created.

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