What are laminators?

Laminators are special printers designed for quick wrapping of documents with protective plastic foil. Lamination process can extend the life of cards for up to 10 years. Film, most usually polyester or polyvinyl chloride known as PVC, protects cards from wear and tear and gives it a neat look.

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What are laminators used for?

Card lamination is an irreplaceable process in many institutions, offices, copy rooms and other companies or organizations that need to protect cards from wear and tear or complete damage while at the same time extend the life of cards. Lamination provides a long-lasting neat look of cards and gives it an extra protection from breaking and damage. This process also prevents adding and writing extra information on original card.

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The advantages of using laminator

If you want a card that besides being resistant and durable also required certain level of protection, Laminator is the solution that meets all your needs. Foil which laminator wraps cards with is a reliable protection from forgery and extends life of cards. Lamination can be one or both-sided which means that it is possible to apply foil on both sides of cards.

Which laminators do we offer?

Apart from standard ID card printers, we also offer Primacy 1 and 2 and Matrica ILM – LS/DS laminator.
Primacy laminator is the module you can use to upgrade primacy 1 and primacy 2 models.

Primacy Laminator

Primacy laminator is the module you can use to upgrade primacy 1 and primacy 2 models.
Primacy Laminator is a perfect solution for cards that require high level of protection. It operates as a separate device or as an upgrade for Evolis Primacy printers…

Laminator primacy 1 i 2

Matica ILM-LS/DS

Laminator modules ILM-LS I DS upgrade printers of XID 8xxx series. By applying transparent and hologram foil on printed card, it extends their durability providing higher level of protection from wear and tear and other damages…

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